
In our last visit I introduced Paul’s brief, poignant testimony recorded in 1st Timothy 1:12-17. He shared it with Timothy to encourage him in carrying out his assignment to deal with false teachers in the church at Ephesus 

The basic ingredients of his testimony were what he was like before he met Jesus, the grace he experienced through meeting Jesus, and how God has used him since his conversion experience. I often encourage Christians to write out their testimony on one sheet of paper describing their life before Christ, how they met Christ, and what He has done since meeting Christ, using a third of the page for each point. 
You should be able to read that testimony in about 3 minutes. Here Paul gives his testimony in 6 verses. I read it in just one minute, and that included the final verse, a declaration of praise to God for Who He is and what He has done. If you’ve never written out your testimony, let me encourage you to do it. Then work at memorizing it so that if you ever have the opportunity to share it you’ll be ready. Only God knows the impact your testimony might make in someone’s life. 
Once you’ve mastered it, you can mix the order as Paul did here. He shared what Christ has done through his life after his conversion first. Then he shares what he was like before Christ reached him. Verses 14 – 15 explain how he was converted. Once you write out your testimony I’d appreciate it if you would send me a copy. By email: ludgolz@aol.com or by regular mail, Lud Golz, Novelty, OH 44072. You can also do it through this website.
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