
I remember an experience when I was still a young boy.  I knew what 1st Thessalonians 4:13-18 says.  I had been at a nearby park playing and came home for a snack.  When I got home I found the door wide open.  The lights were on in the kitchen.  Water was running from the faucet.  A pot of soup was simmering on the stove.  Otherwise all was quiet.  No one was there.  I called for my Mom, but got no response.  I began to panic, immediately feeling as though the rapture had taken place, and I was left behind. 

Remember, the rapture is when Jesus Christ returns for His own.  That’s when “the dead in Christ will rise first.  After that, (those) who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air.  And so we will be with the Lord forever.”  

I started crying, wondering what to do next.  In my despair suddenly my Mom returned home.  She had gone to a neighbor to get an ingredient she needed for what she was cooking.  She was surprised to find me crying and comforted me.  I’ll never forget this experience. 

As a minister I challenge others to prepare for that great day, by confessing their need of a Savior, asking Jesus Christ to forgive their sins and invite Him into their lives to become their Savior and Lord.  For believers I offer comfort by reminding them of these precious promises.  This is the ultimate reality check.

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