
In our last visit we took a snapshot of one day in the life of David, described in 1 Samuel 25. The primary characters in this drama were David, Nabal, Abigail and one of the servants in Nabal’s household.  

Without going into details beyond this chapter it appears David had an impulsive disposition. He might have kept his impulsiveness in check most of the time, but when rebuffed and insulted by Nabal his anger impulsively erupted.  David armed 400 men with swords – an obvious overreaction. Anger often exaggerates an offence
It’s clear. David intended to avenge himself by obliterating Nabal’s household! Nabal was a wealthy man who no doubt had many servants. The collateral damage would primarily have been experienced by innocent, defenseless people. 
David forgot God’s Word, quoted by Paul in Romans 12:19, “Do not take revenge…but leave room for God’s wrath… ‘It is mine to avenge; I will repay,’ says the Lord.” He also forgot to seek counsel. But when Abigail challenged him not to take things in his own hands and thus have innocent blood on his hands, he saw the error of his intentions and turned back from venting his anger in such a destructive way. 
He was tempted to carry out his plans, but God provided a way of escape through the wise counsel and appeal of Abigail. Fortunately, a tragedy was averted and he preserved his honor. 
Paul indicated in 1 Corinthians 10:10, “These things happened to them as examples and were written down as warnings for us.” If you, like David have an impulsive disposition, learn from his experience how to avoid unintended consequences.
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