
Live at peace with everyone.  (Romans 12:18)

The instructions Paul gives in Romans 12 get tougher with each new verse.  We have seen how our spiritual gifts and love play a significant role in giving practical expression to the truth of God’s salvation.  In addition, Paul points out that God’s grace is also essential. 

Today, let’s focus our attention on verse 18, where Paul writes, “If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.”  The critical phrase in this verse is, “as far as it depends on you.”  We can’t force others to live at peace with us.  Even God gives us the option to live at peace with Him.  He has done everything necessary for us to experience His peace as well as for us to be at peace with Him.  But the choice is ours.  He will not force us to be at peace with Him. 

Similarly, as Christians we are to live at peace with one another.  But like God, we can’t force others to live at peace with us.  That’s why Paul adds, “As far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.”  I’m to do everything I can to initiate and maintain peace between me and others.  That is all that is possible. 

If I prayerfully do that and others choose not to live at peace with me then I can experience God’s peace in my heart even in such a broken relationship.  This is what Jesus had in mind in His sermon on the mount, recorded in Matthew 5:9, when He said, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God.”

Don’t let others rob you of the peace God offers by rejecting your peaceful initiatives.  Overcome that evil by maintaining peaceful initiatives toward them.

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