
In our last visit I shared how Peter encouraged those he was writing to scrutinize the conduct and communication of their spiritual leaders and visiting teachers who might be asked to speak in their churches. He also challenged them to trust in God to protect and rescue them from heresy and/or deviant attacks they might face from those outside of the fellowship of believers or possibly from some within the church. Now let’s look at a third thing Peter encouraged. 

To highlight what Peter taught I coined a word, soberize, because so often we forget the law of unintended consequences. Peter clearly describes outcomes for both false teachers and prophets and for those who blindly follow their attractive, seductive and enticing teachings and promises. 
We need to be awake and attentive, and alert to the danger signs. Listen carefully to what is being taught. Then make time to get alone with God and check the scriptures to see if what was taught or encouraged is consistent with what the Bible says. 
Luke affirmed the Berean Christians because they made a practice of doing this, even after Paul taught them. This is how it reads in Acts 17:11, “Now the Bereans were of more noble character than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true.”
We must avoid being gullible and resist assuming everything taught in a Christian setting is true. Soberize yourself for the expected and unexpected spiritual battles you will face in life..
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