
We’ve answered in recent visits the question, “How are you coping with the normal challenges of life?” using 1st Thessalonians 4:1-12 to help us.  Now let’s use verses 4:13-5:11 to answer the question, “How are you coping with special challenges in life?” 

Often when we least expect it, tragedy strikes.  Though such times are tough, they need not overwhelm us.  God provides for us light in the midst of darkness, hope in the midst of devastation.  A special challenge all of us will face is to have a loved one die.  The Bible says in Hebrews 8:27, “Man is destined to die once.”  For the Thessalonian Christians this presented a special challenge to their faith.  While Paul was with them he taught that Christ was going to return for His own.  Their expectation was that it would happen during their lifetime.  Between when Paul left them until the time Timothy came back to them a number of the believers had died.  This raised questions.  Did those who died lose their salvation?  Would they miss this special event when Jesus returns?  They were confused and troubled. 

Paul didn’t want them “to be ignorant about those who fall asleep, or to grieve like the rest of men who have no hope” (verse 13).  Christianity is not a blind faith.  God wants us to understand what He’s planned for those who believe in Jesus Christ, whether alive or dead.  Verses 14-18 contain what we need to know.  Read them carefully.

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