
As we’ve studied the prayer of Jabez and some cross-references I was reminded of an experience I had a few years ago. I preached on the priestly blessing found in Numbers 6:24-26.  

As I ended the message I asked if they ever had their Dad pronounce a blessing over them? If not, did their mother ever do this? Has anyone ever done this for them? If not, I invited them to stand if they wanted me to pray the priestly blessing over them? 
I was amazed when a large number of the congregation stood. We have two worship services, so I did the same thing in our second service and was surprised to find the same response. Shortly after that I went on a trip to a number of countries with different cultures. I determined to repeat this in each place where I spoke. Again to my surprise many stood to receive this blessing. In one place the leader stood and addressed his congregation, “You would be crazy not to respond!” Everyone stood. Often tears were evident in the eyes of the people. 
In the light of this experience in the past I thought it would be appropriate to close this brief study by asking you, the listening/reading audience, if you would want me to offer a prayer blessing over you. If you would, stop what you’re doing for a moment, and listen/read carefully and expectantly to this blessing over your life: “The Lord bless you and keep or protect you, the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.” 
I would like to hear from you if you responded to receive God’s blessing over your life.  .
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