
Let’s study Paul’s prayer in Colossians 1:3-12.  In verses 3-8 Paul lists things about the Colossian Christians he thanks God for: their faith, love, hope, spiritual growth and fruit, and their willingness to send one of their own to help Paul in his ministry.  He thanks God for all He already has done, as a faith-builder.  In verses 9-12 he shares what he is praying for them, trusting God to do some things that were lacking in their lives. 

Remember this process as you go to prayer – take time to thank God for what He’s already done.  It will build your faith.  Then notice what Paul prayed for beginning with verse 9.  He asked God to fill them with a knowledge of His will.  Verse 10, that they’d live in obedience to what they know to be God’s will.  Verse 11, that they’d depend upon God’s glorious power as they seek to obey His will.  And verse 12, that they’d joyfully thank God for what He enables them to do. 

This fourfold prayer results in a cycle of growth to be repeated over and over.  As God enables you to obey what He has identified as His will, and you thank Him for it, He will show you more of His will.  As you obey and depend on His power, you will succeed.  As you give thanks, the cycle of growth continues. 

It’s a converging cycle drawing you closer and closer to God.  Remember this cycle for your own growth: know, do, depend and thank.  Then pray for other Christians to experience this cycle of growth as well.

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