
In our last visit we considered some simple life changing things all of us can do to help others. We have no time to procrastinate. With clear minds let’s commit to pray for individuals God brings into our lives. He sometimes does this through their negative actions toward us. Pray for grace to love and forgive them and that they would receive our acts of kindness. A further step would be, offer them hospitality, without grumbling. This would provide an opportunity to find out some things they need. Offer to help meet those needs. It could be a few dollars. I have a friend who makes a practice of always having some extra money in his pocket, so that if a need comes up he is ready to meet it. It could be driving them to an appointment or helping them with a project they’re working on. If you can’t personally meet their need you could refer them to someone who could help them. 1st Per 4:10 says, “Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others.” It always amazes me to see how God connects people who have a need with others who can meet that need. It’s a process of creatively connecting needs with help. This is how God often shows people what their spiritual gift is. When you see a need offer to help, as best you can. If the first attempt doesn’t work, try another approach or meet another need. Often, God blesses the effort, and then clarifies how He’s gifted you to meet needs effectively.

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