
We have been looking at how to have a proper understanding of prayer and how we are to pray.  We studied the prayers of Solomon and Daniel.  Let’s now consider that classic prayer Jesus taught His disciples.  It is found in two places: Matthew 6:9-13 and Luke 11:2-4. 

This prayer is often referred to as the Lord’s Prayer.  But since Jesus never sinned, the request for forgiveness of sins would not be necessary for Jesus.  I prefer to call the prayer, the Disciple’s Prayer.  For me, this is the focus of these verses: Learning from the Disciple’s Prayer.

Now let’s amplify this focus.  The prayer starts with worship.  Then there are requests that cover our spiritual and physical needs.  In the King James Version the prayer concludes with worship and praise.  Let’s amplify each of these points further. 

Worship begins by identifying who it is you’re addressing in your prayer.  Our Father.  Notice, there is implied a personal relationship with this one.  That is, a Father/child relationship.  This immediately takes this prayer out of the category of formal and puts it into the category of filial, or family. 

This is not to say we should downplay reverence or respect for our Father.  In fact, we need to recognize He is in heaven and His name is to be hallowed.  There is no room for foolish ideas like “the man upstairs!”  This is the Almighty you are addressing.  He is awesome, majestic and totally other. 

Yet He welcomes those who have trusted in His Son, Jesus Christ, and are thus in His family, to come to Him as a child and rest in His warm embrace.

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