
As I’ve pointed out in recent visits, memorizing God’s Word is very important. We’ve seen that a good place to start memorizing is finding key verses that capture the truth of a given portion of Scripture. Then you might want to memorize the paragraph in which the verse is found. Finally, you might consider memorizing the chapter or the whole book. At first this kind of challenge might seem overwhelming. But remember, Christ promised in John 14:26 that the Holy Spirit would not only teach us all things but would remind us of everything Christ taught. He is there to help us memorize and remember. When reading Mark 12:28-34 you would probably choose verse 30 as the verse to memorize, along with 31. This is the greatest commandment along with the second most important. “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. And love your neighbor as yourself.” Since these are the greatest commandments it would be good to be sure you understand and remember them. You see, it is important not just to try and do what these commandments demand. That would bring you close to the kingdom of God. What you need to do is trust in the one true God. The Bible declares, He loves us first (1 John 4:19). He loves us in spite of our deficiencies. When we accept His loving grace as found in His Son, Jesus Christ, we experience His love and can then by faith express that love back to Him and to those around us. Let me encourage you to consider memorizing not only these two verses, but this whole section, verses 28-34.

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