
In our last study we saw how many of the kings who lived their lives well, did not finish well.  The tragedy of this is seen not only in a marred record of their memory, but also in the sad legacy left to their children.  Often their offspring went further into sin than they did at the end of their lives.  It seems like sin is reproduced and multiplied readily, while righteousness is very hard to pass on to the next generation.  This is tell-tale of the sinfulness of our nature and how susceptible we are to compromise. 

Hezekiah, a bright light in Israel’s history, saw God answer his prayer to deliver Israel from the siege of Sennacherib and his army, yet he failed after God answered another of his prayers by extending his life 15 years.  During those extra years Mannaseh was born to him.  As a young boy he saw his father compromise the welfare and safety of his kingdom by letting envoys from Babylon see all the wealth and workings of his kingdom.  God judged him for this because it revealed pride. 

In Isaiah 39 you have the sad story of a life well lived, but not ending well.  God told him to prepare his house because he was going to die.  He pled with God to let him live longer.  God gave him 15 extra years.  He should have got his house in order and accepted death, because he failed during those years.  Mannaseh, became his successor.  He was the most evil king of all the kings of Israel.  

Even great men can become self-centered and not finish well.  So be on your guard and be faithful to the end.

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