
In our last visit we emphasized the importance of memorizing scripture.  Memorization is hard.  We need to work at hiding God’s Word in our minds and hearts.  Learn the reference with the verse.  Once you’ve memorized a verse review it.  Then review it some more.  There are no short cuts, especially the older you get. 

As you learn new verses or sections, don’t neglect to review old ones.  Then use what you’ve memorized in your praying.  Use it in conversations.  Think about it when taking a shower, walking or driving to work, whenever you have a moment throughout the day.  Review it in bed just before you fall asleep.  If you wake up in the middle of the night think about it, review it, pray over it – I’ve found this to be the best sleep inducer.  When God’s Word is in your conscious mind as you fall asleep, your subconscious mind will be mulling it over while you sleep. 

Someone has likened this process to the way a cow eats.  It starts by getting grass into its mouth and chewing it.  After swallowing it, the cow brings it up again and chews it some more.  That’s what God wants us to do with His Word.  Get a mouthful.  Chew it.  Re-chew it.  And finally digest it.  When we hide God’s Word in our hearts in this way, we will be guarded from sinning against God (Psalm 119:11), and grow into maturity in our faith (Romans 10:17). 

I suggested you memorize Mark 1:17 in our last visit.  Let me encourage you to memorize Mark 16:15 as well.  These two verses will help you remember Mark’s message.

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