
In recent visits we’ve been looking into the gospel of Mark to see how Jesus explained and exemplified the "how to" of living and serving for God’s glory. He also made clear what we can expect, both positively and negatively.

In Mark 6:14-29 we see how one of the great servants of God experienced what Jesus was teaching. John the Baptist was the faithful forerunner who paved the way for Jesus to begin His public ministry. No one can question the success of his ministry. Multitudes went out into the desert to hear him preach and be baptized by him. At times what he said got rather personal, as was the case with his message to King Herod. It was direct and forceful. John minced no words in pointing out that Herod was sinning when he married his brother’s wife, Herodias.

As the story unfolds in these verses his faithfulness in proclaiming the truth cost him his head, literally. But, even while he was in prison he took every opportunity King Herod gave him to sow the seed of truth. Herod, however, was far more concerned with what others thought of him than with what God thought of him. This eventually entangled him in compromise, so that whatever seeds John had sown in his life were strangled by the weeds of pride and position. Jesus noted John’s faithfulness, even though there was no fruit in Herod’s life.

There is no indication of who else heard what John said to Herod when he had an audience with him. Nor do we know if someone who witnessed these meetings was impacted by the seed sown. Only God knows the real impact of our faith and faithfulness, and He rewards accordingly.

Remember, God is fully responsible for the results of our obedience.

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