
Let’s look at an insight word found in 2 Corinthians 3:18.  Paul described the difference between the letter of the law and the ministry of the Holy Spirit.  He concludes in verse 18, saying, “And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.”

The insight word is “transformed.”  Paul is talking about Christians becoming more and more like Christ, reflecting the Lord’s glory.  Earlier in this chapter it says Moses’ face glowed after he spent time in God’s presence, but that glory faded with time.  Then Paul says, for Christians the process of becoming more like Jesus increases the glory in our faces.  This is the result of the work of the Holy Spirit.

Paul uses the word “transformed” in this verse to describe the process of becoming more like Jesus Christ.  This word means, what is inwardly true becomes outwardly manifest.  It was used to describe the transfiguration of Jesus Christ on the mountain in Matthew 17:2.  Jesus’ body veiled His glory as the Son of God.  On the mountain His body became transparent and what was inwardly real became outwardly manifest. 

What Paul describes in 2 Corinthians 3:18 is that as Christians read God’s Word the Holy Spirit causes what is in them, the indwelling Christ, to become more and more outwardly evident.  This is why I encourage you to read God’s Word daily and trust the Holy Spirit to progressively transform you into Christ-likeness.

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