
The most basic forum for evangelism and discipleship is the family. When God gave the Law, He commanded Israel’s forefathers to teach it to their children “so the next generation would know it, even the yet unborn, and they in turn would tell their children” (Psalm 78:5,6).  

Also, parents were to share “the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, His power, and the wonders He has done” (v. 4). The objective of this according to verse 7 is that the children would “put their trust in God and would not forget His deeds, but would keep His commands.” This strategy is often repeated in the Bible because human nature tends to rebel, be disloyal and unfaithful (v. 8). 
Whenever we forget what God has done and the wonders He has shown, the Psalmist warns in verse 11, we will be vulnerable to our natural tendencies. In living for God, there is no short cut to victory. D. L. Moody once said, “Sin will keep you from the Bible; the Bible will keep you from sinning.” 
I have found that Bible verses and portions I learned and memorized while young are the ones I remember best. The older I get the harder it is to memorize and remember. So as parents, follow the Psalmist’s instruction in Psalm 78 by sharing God’s Word and your experiences of God’s faithfulness with your children when they are young. 
Remember, the key to memorization is repetition. At times this will be hard work, but it will be worth it as your children grow and get out on their own. Pray that you and your children have hearts and minds full of God’s Word. Trust that this will produce faith, obedience, joy and power in your life.
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