
In our last visit we saw that the quality of brotherly affection which is to be added to your faith is better than nothing, but it is not all Jesus desires from our hearts. Christians often are satisfied with this level of commitment. The world looks on and admires the warm affection they exhibit toward each other. That’s good, but it is not as convincing as when Christians mature to the point where they add the final quality to their faith as described in 2nd Peter 1:5-11. This is the quality of agape love. 

This is best described in John 3:16, where you see God the Father loving us so much that He gave what was most precious to Him, His own Son, Jesus Christ, to come into this sin sick world and offer Himself as an atoning sacrifice for our sins so that we could be forgiven. This act of God was planned and initiated from before the beginning of time. 
Jesus came in obedience to His Father, because He loved His Father and because He loved us. He gave His all as His Father did. The Holy Spirit, the third person of the Triune God, anointed and enabled Jesus to carry out His mission. In concert the Triune God did for us what we didn’t deserve and didn’t do to us what we do deserve, all because they loved us. 
We become benefactors of this marvelous grace when we accept the gift of salvation by receiving Jesus Christ by faith. Being the object of His love, once you accept the gift of salvation, it is natural to love God back. This is often accompanied by deep emotion and gratitude for this indescribable gift. 
If you haven’t received this gift, let me encourage you to do so now. Just pray, “Father, thank you for your love gift of Jesus Christ. Jesus, thanks for dying on the cross for my sins. Holy Spirit, thanks for helping me understand my need. I invite You, Jesus, into my life. Make me the person You want me to be. Amen.”
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