
As we conclude our devotional study of Mark 13 let’s focus our attention on answering the final question: Are there any promises to claim by faith? The first and most important one is this – Jesus Christ will return (vs 26). That’s the most exciting promise to contemplate. Jesus Christ is coming again! Proclaim this from the housetops and in the streets. Christ is coming again. No matter how bad things get, it’s not the final chapter. The final chapter is this – Christ is coming again. Take firm hold of this promise. Another promise is that the Holy Spirit will be with you to enable you to witness as God would want you to, even when you are persecuted and brought before authorities and falsely accused. Trust the Holy Spirit to do what Jesus promised: “Just say whatever is given you at the time, for it is not you speaking, but the Holy Spirit” (vs. 11). In addition, there is that wonderful promise: “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away” (vs. 31). Now, based on your answers in this devotional study, develop some applications. Learn God’s Word, for it will endure and be a source of guidance as you face the most trying times. It will help you understand your need for Jesus Christ and how to establish a relationship with Him. That’s how to be ready for the glorious moment when He returns. In the meantime, guard yourself against false teaching or being deceived by what’s happening around you. Then share with all you can the wonderful truth which can change a life for time and eternity.

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