
In our study of 1st Peter 2 we’ve considered what Peter said about Jesus Christ, the living stone. We also reviewed what Peter said in this chapter about what we were before we trusted in Jesus Christ. As sinners we were destined for destruction, hopelessly lost, separated from God. But for the grace of God, that is what we were. But praise God – that is not what we are, once we receive the gift of new life through faith in Jesus Christ. Let’s consider what Peter said we are, the second point in our outline. Verse 2 introduces new believers as spiritual babies. Babies possess all that is necessary to become full grown and mature. What they need most to start with is nourishment – “crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that you have tasted that the Lord is good.” Then Peter switches to another metaphor: “Like living stones, (you) are being built into a spiritual house.” Jesus is the living stone. We are like Him. In a previous visit we suggested that identifying Jesus as the living stone suggests at least two things. A stone represents stability, providing a solid foundation, permanence. Adding that He is the living stone represents the possibility of relationship. He had an eternal relationship with the Father and the Holy Spirit, and wanted a personal relationship with anyone who would come to Him and trust in Him. As believers, being like Him suggests stability and predictability and a longing to cultivate a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and others.

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