
In studying Mark 13 we’ve asked and tried to answer some basic questions. What does this chapter teach us about God the Father…Son…and Holy Spirit? What does it teach about man? Now let’s consider the question, Are there any warnings to heed? Throughout the chapter we are warned not to prejudge tragic events that happen. We need to be careful not to be deceived. Things are going to get so bad it will be easy to believe in false Christ’s who make promises to alleviate the problems. Another warning is that since we don’t really know when the end will come, we better maintain preparedness to meet the Lord. Keep short accounts. Don’t put off what you can and should do today. Don’t clutch on to things that only have temporal value. A warning in the form of a command repeated throughout the chapter is, “Watch out,” “Do not be alarmed,” “be on your guard,” “Understand,” “Be on guard, be alert,” “Keep watch,” and finally, “Watch!” It’s not that God wants us to be afraid, but He wants us to be careful, vigilant, discerning, awake and definitely not careless. These are all a part of the answer to the question, Are there any commands to obey? Another focus would be to occupy yourself in positive work and be a witness for the Lord in an intentional way. We’re to take the gospel to all nations so that as they hear the truth they also might not be deceived, but rather delivered by the truth. We can help them to be ready for that day when Jesus will return for His own.

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