
Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker. (Psalm 95:6) 

To this point in considering some applications based on our study of Romans 11 we have come up with three: humility, grace and hope. Let me share one more application: Even if you don’t understand how all God reveals through His word fits together, it would be wise to worship God and give Him the glory for what you do understand. 
As I said earlier in this study of Romans 11, Paul seems to leave what he is trying to explain somewhat open ended when He breaks into a doxology of praise and worship. Paul was doing what the prophets did. In fact in this doxology in Romans 11 Paul quotes from Isaiah. He also quotes from the book of Job. This is legitimate because what it affirms is that God is greater than our mental perceptions and understandings. 
In our praise we also affirm the other applications already mentioned. We should be humble before God. We should be grateful for His grace. We have reason to hope because what is going on is always greater than what we realize. 
If you can’t put your limited, finite understanding into words, then just bow in silence before God. That’s what the Psalmist encouraged us to do in Psalm 46:10, “Be still, and know that I am God.” That’s what the prophet Habakkuk challenged the people to do in Habakkuk 2:20, “The Lord is in his holy temple; let all the earth be silent before Him.” 
If you want to express praise to God but don’t have the words, turn to the Scriptures and use them as Paul and others have done. You’ll discover, there is power in praise!
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