
We have been studying a way in which we might categorize prayer requests based on the degree of Biblical support for them. 

Category A – When the Bible clearly promises an answer. 
Category B – When my request is definitely in harmony with God’s revealed will. Category C – When my request expresses something I desire and the Bible doesn’t disapprove it. 
Category D – When I want something I know is contrary to God’s will. 
Praying within these guidelines has enriched my prayer life and I believe made it more effective. I have not found that God answers my Category A requests more readily than my Category B requests, nor Category B than Category C. In fact, Category A type requests are sometimes harder to bring to a conclusion. But I pray for them more persistently and expectantly, because I know without a doubt what God thinks of them. They are clearly His will on the matter I am praying about. 
I often find myself evaluating a concern in light of this framework. When I look at a list of requests I try to add relevant Scripture references to each item on the list. The result is that my faith level in prayer grows. Romans 10:17, “Faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ.” 
In this way I get in step with Jesus’ bold statement in Matthew 21:22, “If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask.”  Believing is not something dreamed up or mere wishful thinking; it has a Biblical foundation. God hears and answers prayers that agree with His will. That’s promised in 1 John 5:14-15.
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