
Beginning today I’d like to study one of Paul’s first epistles, The book of   1st Thessalonians.  Read this brief book over a number of times and reflect on what Paul said to this young church.

I believe the book could be used as a Reality Check.  We often presume because people have taken the step of believing in Jesus Christ that everything is OK.  It very well might be.  But due to many things it often isn’t. 

One thing could be unanswered questions.  Another, not realizing the implications of their decision to follow Christ.  Or the fact that we often forget some of what we accepted when we made the decision.  Paul addresses these matters with graciousness, honesty and a desire to affirm and encourage. 

I trust this study will provide for each of us a Reality Check regarding our own relationship with Christ and with fellow believers in the church we attend.  This will also spill over into our implicit relationship with the church at large, because when we are believers we are a part of a big family.  Theologians call it the Church Universal.  

I’d like to encourage you to read the book over at one sitting.  It’s only 5 short chapters and should only take about 15 minutes.  As you read it keep in mind, we’ll be looking at it as a check list to determine whether or not our Christian experience is for real in our own life as well as in our church corporately.

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