
In our last visit we began answering the question: What does Psalm 139 teach us about man? 

We discovered man, is a rational being, can interact with others, including God, make decisions and choose to do this or that.  In his choosing there’s often a moral element.  Man can discern and make moral decisions.  He can choose to be wicked in thought, word or action, or he can choose to hate wickedness and choose righteousness.  Man has the ability to value God’s thoughts and plans for him and express appreciation for all God does. 

Man also has feelings.  He can feel God’s presence, and either appreciate Him or feel hemmed in by him.  He can feel hatred toward his and God’s enemies and wonder why God doesn’t judge them.  Man is a rational, volitional and emotional creature. 

He’s also social.  As a famous poet once wrote, “Man is not an island to himself.”  The psalmist agrees.  He is free to choose what he wants, but he can’t live independent of others.  God hems him in.  People may oppose or oppress him.  He can’t be without a mother and father, let alone God.  Will he stubbornly choose to go his own way or will he establish a relationship with God? 

If he chooses the latter the psalmist suggests: ask God to convict and cleanse him of any offensive way in him and then lead him in the way everlasting (verses 23-24).

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