
We’re coming down the stretch now in our project of reading through the Bible by the end of this year.  We’ve completed the Old Testament, the Gospels and Acts of the New Testament.  Today we‘ll start reading the New Testament Epistles.  Let’s slow down the pace to reading about one chapter per day. 

The Church is God’s prize trophy.  She is a work of His hands that is presently nearing completion.  Why did He establish the church?  How is He growing her?  For whom did He create her?  What should she be doing?  These and many other questions are addressed in the Epistles with practical, down-to-earth answers.  All references to the heavenly are related to the here and now, for what goes on down here is preparation for up there. 

We can see God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit all involved in this.  The Church is the temple of the Holy Spirit without whom she cannot function effectively. God does it all, but He uses men and means to accomplish her task.  The men and means are clearly designated and described. 

To be co-workers with God we must fulfill His requirements outlined in these books.  We must be able to say as Abraham’s servant of old did, “I being in the way, the Lord led me.”  God leads and uses those who are walking in love, the truth and in the light. This blueprint for the Church must again put on flesh and blood.

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