
“Keep yourselves in God’s love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life” (Jude 21). 

As we saw in our last visit, living under the control of the Holy Spirit is the basis of a full life of blessing experienced personally and expressed purposefully toward others. It’s a life not conditioned by circumstance or pressure by others. It’s a life of fruitfulness and accomplishment   It’s the ultimate expression of God being for us and against all who oppose us. 
Romans 5:5 declares: “Hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.” In the original language the emphasis is on the continuous pouring of God’s love into our lives. This ongoing supply of God’s love is so powerful that nothing can separate us from it. This is indeed the powerful potential God wants us to realize in the process of our sanctification. 
We saw our positional association with Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection in Romans 6. Then the practical dynamics explored in Romans 7. This understanding prepared us for realizing and experiencing the powerful potential described in Romans 8. We are told that we can live in a way that pleases God. 
In conclusion, Paul declares eloquently that nothing can destroy our love relationship with God. All of this gives us a strong basis for hope concerning our eternal destiny. That’s when and where we will realize the ultimate fulfillment of our powerful potential in Christ. 
Are you experiencing this powerful potential in your life? If not, review the scripts for our study of Romans 8 beginning with May 5. Then bask in the promise of God’s great love for you.
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