
As we study Malachi 2 today we’ll see a list of things we should avoid in our lives.  Though the prophet addressed the priests, what they were guilty of was creeping into the lifestyle of the people.  The priests refused to set their hearts to honor God.  This led to their turning from truth and their teaching caused many to stumble.  In this they violated the covenant God had with Levi.  Additionally, they showed partiality in matters of the law.  Bad attitudes and conduct always lead to bad outcomes.  Avoid them at all costs. 

All of this negativity infected marriages.  Men became disenchanted with the wives of their youth, divorced them and married women who worshipped false Gods.  These unholy marriages began to infect the family unit. 

Not surprisingly the outcome of this led to what the closing verses of the chapter describe: “You have wearied the Lord with your words.  ‘How have we wearied him?’ you ask.  By saying, ‘All who do evil are good in the eyes of the Lord, and he is pleased with them’ or ‘Where is the God of Justice.’”  Notice, distorting God’s view of justice and truth is a natural outcome of refusing to honor God. 

This is similar to Paul’s argument in Romans 1, showing the destructive outcomes of not honoring God for who He is.  Check out Romans 1 as you reflect on what Malachi said we should avoid.

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