
As we conclude our reading and study of the book of Acts, did you notice how often God communicated with individuals or did things in behalf of individuals at night?  God delivered Christian leaders from prison during the night, spoke words of encouragement and gave direction for what He wanted them to do.  Often Christians prayed and worshiped during the night, and God responded powerfully. 

When I noticed this, and remembered this happened throughout Biblical history, I decided to write a book entitled, Light in the Night for Living in the Day.  In it I explain how God often gives insight initiatives during the night, like He did with Paul. 

Remember his Macedonian call at Troas, the encouragement to stay in Corinth, and the dream during the storm tossed boat trip to Rome.  I thought, ”Maybe we hear better in the quietness of the night or see the light better in contrast to the darkness.  Maybe we turn to God more readily in the loneliness of the night, or it’s easier to surrender and take hold of God’s hand to guide us when engulfed by the night’s darkness.”  I explain how you can prepare yourself to receive such light in the night and then respond by living it out in the day. 

If you’d like to receive a copy of the book, click on the contact link above for my email and office addresses so you can write me.  I look forward to hearing from you.

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