
As we discovered in an earlier visit, Ruth committed her life and future to the God of Israel and followed that commitment with faithful obedience to what she knew was right and proper. 

God opened the door for her to develop a relationship with Boaz and her mother-in-law counseled her how to go about doing this.  She risked everything when she followed Naomi’s clear, culturally sound counsel.  It could have been quite embarrassing had it not worked out as planned, but by faith she courageously pressed on.  She honored her mother-in-law by listening to her counsel. 

Her choices mattered.  They opened the door to unexpected positive consequences.  This is seen in the way Boaz responded to her.  He was faced with a major, life changing proposition.  It’s as though he had already been mulling the possibilities over in his mind for some time.  He was ready that night by the threshing floor.  He laid out his plan with sensitivity, respect, and wisdom, but also with haste. 

He protected her reputation and their potential future, but his intentions were guided by his understanding of God’s directives in His Word.  He had waited long for the right woman to come into his life, but the wait was well worth it.  He was aging, yet God brought this beautiful young woman into his life and almost swept him off his feet. 

But there was one catch.  God spells out clearly the role of a kinsman-redeemer.  Boaz was not going to run ahead of God.  He would turn over every possible obstacle to be sure his intentions were in keeping with God’s will.  For him right choices mattered.

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