
As you read your Bible have you noticed it declares over and over again, both verbally and descriptively, “God is love”? Nowhere is this more graphically portrayed than in the prophetical book, Hosea. In some ways it is hard to comprehend in the convoluted and grotesque relationship between the prophet and his prostitute wife. God told him to marry her. They had three children, and the names Hosea gave to them had prophetic meaning. She returned to her prostitute life style and was eventually exposed as totally debauched and broken. Then God commanded Hosea to go into the slave market and buy her back and take her home and love her. All of this portrayed the waywardness of the Israelites whom God loved, but had to judge. Even though they were slow to respond to His overtures of love they prostituted themselves by cavorting with false gods and their followers. Even when God made life difficult for them and had those whom they thought were friends turn against them they had a hard time repenting. They professed to turn back to God, but their repentance was “Half baked!” God suffered excruciating pain as a result of their disregard and distain toward His uncompromising and unconditional love. I know that sounds like an oxymoron, but as you read the book that is what it depicts – the agony of God’s uncompromising and unconditional love. Hosea declares that ultimately God’s love will convince, conquer and win back the love and appreciation of the object of His love. Halleluiah!

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