
We have now considered a number of examples how some major Bible characters coped when faced with experiences of disappointment and discouragement. We saw that if constructive action was not taken there was the danger of impulsively reacting in frustration and failing to stand tall with, as Eugene Peterson put it, “a long obedience in the same direction.” We started our study with words found three times in Psalm 42 and 43, “Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me?” When these questions gripped the psalmist he did some soul talking to himself. Listen to what he preached to himself: “Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God.” By looking at some other characters we found that we can be encouraged to put our trust in God and praise Him when we have others to stand with us like Jonathan did for David. We might also benefit from reflecting on our priorities as Paul did. A part of hoping in God and praising Him is accepting what He allows or brings into our circumstances. Positive acceptance essentially says, “God knows what is best.” Sometimes we need to roll up our sleeves and turn to doing something constructive, like Barnabas did in mentoring Mark, rather than pout about what we can’t do. Jesus did all of these positive things. That’s why He didn’t impulsively short-circuit the mission He was on. He set His face as a flint toward the cross ready to pour out His life so that all who believe and trust in Him would be saved and receive eternal life. Praise God for such a wonderful Savior. If you are gripped with disappointment, discouragement or despair turn to Jesus. He will lift you out of the pit and put your feet on solid rock.

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