
In our last visit we began amplifying the second main point in our study of what it takes to become a good Christian mentor: practicing what you preach. Philippians 4:8 focuses on what you are as a person. Now look at verse 9 which focuses on what you do. “Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me – put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.” Let’s amplify what Paul is saying here. When he says, “Whatever you have learned,” he is no doubt referring to a more formal, classroom setting. Paul must have had this in mind when he wrote Titus, “In your teaching show integrity, seriousness and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned” (Titus 2:7). “Whatever you have…received,” could refer to resources like books, clothing or cash. “Whatever you have…heard from me,” could include his private conversations, his counseling, public addresses or advice he might have given. “Whatever you have…seen in me,” ties this into what we saw in verse 8. Body language sometimes speaks so loud others can’t hear what we are saying. Paul was basically saying, don’t just listen to me, watch me. To say this requires a fair amount of confidence that what you are teaching and saying in normal conversation and what you do and how you do it are all working together in harmony. Thinking about this I came up with this statement – “Don’t ask of others what you are not willing to commit to yourself.” In other words, practice what you preach if you want to be a good Christian mentor.

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