
Today we move on in our study of 1st Thessalonians to chapter 4. As I read this chapter I found it addresses two basic areas of life: the routine, normal challenges of life and the special challenges of life. The second area carries over into chapter 5. 

Let’s begin by studying what Paul says about the routine, normal challenges of life found in verses 1-12. When I reread this portion I was struck by two impact statements, one at the beginning and one at the end. 
Let me explain what I mean by an impact statement. Do you ever find while you are reading along in your Bible a statement seems to jump out and grab your attention? I keep my eyes open for such statements. When I find one in my reading I stop and reflect upon it for a while. I ask, “Why did this statement grab me? What might God be saying to me?” 
It’s important when this happens that you not limit your reflection to the statement alone. After you think you have a grasp of what it really says, go back and reread the context around the statement. If the context supports what you understood the statement to mean, then prayerfully apply it to your life. That’s what I call an impact statement. 
In 1st Thessalonians 4 the two impact statements I noticed were in verse 1, “Live in such a way as to please God,” and in verse 12, “So that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders.” In the normal, routine challenges of life we should live in such a way that God will be pleased and the outside world will take note and respect us. 
Let’s find out how to do this by continuing this study in our next visit.
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