
In our last visit we began our study of John 13 using the four “S” study method.  We began by spreading out the details of what is presented in this chapter.  Then we sorted it under three main points that relate to the topic of a servant leader as illustrated in the life of Jesus Christ.  These points become the basis of structuring the information into an outline.  Now let’s develop each of these main points, beginning with being love driven.   

Love is mentioned seven times in this chapter.  Jesus had loved His disciples throughout their relationship.  Now He was going to show them the full extent of His love.  This begins here in chapter 13, is spelled out in the upper room discourse in chapters 14-16, is seen in His prayer in chapter 17, and ultimately in His death and resurrection.  He seemed to have a special relationship with John, the disciple whom He loved (verse 23).   

He challenged the disciples with a new commandment in verses 34-35: “A new command I give you: Love one another.  As I have loved you, so you must love one another.  By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”   

Love was the distinguishing characteristic in the life and ministry of Jesus.  He was Love Driven as a leader.  For three years He demonstrated this to His disciples.  Now He was calling them to demonstrate to each other the same kind of love they had seen Him demonstrate.  That was to be their distinguishing characteristic as well. 

It also is to distinguish us.  We as Christians, especially if we are leaders, are to be Love Driven. 

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