
In our last visit we discovered how we can rob ourselves of blessings Jesus wants to give us. We looked at Mark 3:1-6. If we read on to verse 10 we see how we can participate in the blessings Jesus wants us to receive. The man with a shriveled hand received his blessing of healing from the Lord by responding obediently to Christ’s words. This took faith. After Jesus and His disciples left the synagogue, it says a large crowd from all over Israel began to follow them. They heard about the blessings Jesus was giving people and they wanted to get in on it, so they stayed close to Him. Jesus kept reaching out and blessing. The clear encouragement suggested by this account is that we should reach out and get close to Jesus by faith. Since Jesus is not with us physically now, we move closer to Jesus by reading and meditating on God’s Word and seek Him in prayer. There is a cautionary point to notice in this portion of scripture. Notice, Jesus asked the disciples to have a small boat handy so that if the people crowded Jesus too much He could withdraw somewhat from them. This suggests that it is inappropriate to push or demand from Jesus what we want Him to do. We need to pursue Him with patience. He knows our need. He cares for us. He will respond to faith and obedience. Remember, He is the Son of God. Even evil spirits recognized Him and fell down before Him (verses 11-12). We, like them, are created beings. It is proper for us to bow down before Him, worship Him, trust and obey Him. That is how we become recipients of the blessings Jesus wants us to enjoy and share with others around us.

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