
Among my favorite verses in the Word of God are Lamentations 3:22-23: “Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.  They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”  Let me encourage you to memorize these two verses. 

I remember reading about a young doctor who was leaving for service in a war torn country.  He was asked a difficult question. “What can you do against war, famine and flood?”  His simple but profound answer was, “When it is dark around me I do not curse the darkness, I just light my candle!” 

Jeremiah knew Israel deserved the punishment they received, but he couldn’t idly stand by and watch the punishment of his people without deep pangs of grief. Though the scene was dark and dismal he countered his feelings by reminding himself how God promised to be faithful.  God can be trusted even when all seems desolate.  If you turn to God wholeheartedly you’ll be like the doctor who just lit his candle.  To hold up the “truth candle” will be light enough. 

A laborer for God, if he is to be faithful and fruitful, must identify with his people and their need and bring the promises of God to bear upon both.  He must be touched with the things that touch His people and because of his trust in the faithfulness of God, he must labor on in love until he can labor no more.  God honors and uses that kind of faithful servant.  By faith, follow in the footsteps of Jeremiah.

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