
Are you a listener, participating in reading through the Bible in two years?  If you are, we’re now ready to start the Book of Judges.  To “read it through in two” it will take reading about 2 chapters a day.  If you haven’t been reading along with us so far, just start where we are now.  I’ve mentioned before, I have a book that’ll help you in your reading: A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO PROFITABLE BIBLE READING.  It’ll help you as you prepare to read each book of the Bible.  You can download it from this website. 

In thinking of the Book of Judges, I entitled it, “Polluting our Possessions”.   We should never trifle with God or what He has given us.  We’ll always lose out if we do.  Partial or periodic obedience, such as you’ll see throughout Judges, just isn’t good enough. 

Samson, the colorful judge, illustrates this common principle.  He played around with what God had given him until he lost it and his loss affected all of his people.  Only repentance and faith saved his life from total loss. 

Our possessions, no matter how precious they are to us now, will become worthless to us and others if we sinfully and selfishly trifle with them.  Keep that in mind as you read the Book of Judges and let its repeated emphasis challenge your heart to take hold of God’s promises, and hold tightly the possessions God provides.  

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