
As we’ve reflected on the various names and descriptions of Jesus Christ in the book of Revelation it’s clear He is depicted as having received the answer to His prayer in John 17:5, “Now, Father, glorify me in your presence with the glory I had with you before the world began.”

Throughout eternity past Jesus Christ shared in the divine glory of the triune God.  He was willing to lay that outward display of glory aside in order to become the one clothed in humility and the limitations of a human body.  Though fully man, He always remained fully God.  In the form of the God/man He further humbled Himself to be seen and known as a servant.  As a servant He offered Himself up to be sacrificed as our Savior, dying for our sins.

In this great act of self-emptying and self-sacrifice He demonstrated how great the love of God is toward us.  In this, He left us an example to be sure, according to Philippians 2:5 and 1st Peter 2:21.  But He did far more than that.  He died for our sins, dealing a devastating death blow to Satan’s design to eternally enslave us.  We now can be forgiven justly by a holy God.

This is a gift beyond description.  It’s a gift offered to you.  None of us deserve it.  We can’t pay for it or earn it.  All we can do is receive it.  Listen to the Gospel in John 1:12-13, “To all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.”

If you’ve never received Him as God’s love gift to you, let me encourage you to receive this gift today.

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