
As you take time to think about and get to know God in a deeper, experiential way there are an infinite number of things you could discover. I’ve shared just a few in recent visits. Today let’s consider God’s power.  

In the beginning God created heaven and earth, Genesis 1:1. The thing that is amazing is that He created it out of nothing. Prior to this creation there was nothing. That is, nothing but God. He was totally self-sufficient in Himself. He didn’t have to create anything. What He created didn’t add anything to Him. But what He created is awesome! 
I was fascinated to read that when scientists measure the entire universe the dimensions in meters are 10 to the 27th power in size. And when they measure the smallest subatomic particle the dimensions in meters are 10 to the -26th power in size. And where do you think we humans fit into this equation? Believe it or not, right in the middle. 
These numbers are mind boggling. The greatness and majesty of the vast universe, with trillions of light years between the various heavenly bodies, is overwhelming. So are the infinitesimal tinny subatomic particles that are all a part of what is matter in our world. God has so designed it all that if any part of it was not in the right proportion life as we know it would not be possible. 
This God is the Sovereign Lord of the Universe. He knows where everything is and makes sure it functions as it was designed to function.  Do you know this God? Are you trusting Him? He can be trusted. That is why He says, “Be still and know that I am God.”
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