
“For he himself is our peace” (Ephesians 2:14). 

In our study of the outcome of faith we now turn to Romans 5. Notice the 5 times the phrase, “we have,” is mentioned in the first 11 verses. Also, the 3 times the phrase, “we rejoice,” is mentioned. Here we have a cluster of blessings almost beyond description. 
First, “since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Whether you feel at peace with God or not, you have peace with God. The word “peace” means to bind together that which has been separated. The word “with” has the idea of facing. 
What Paul is presenting here is that once justified through faith, we can stand facing God, knowing we are seen as guiltless and un-condemned. This is because Jesus Christ made peace through His death on the cross. What separated us from God has been wiped out so that we can be brought together and be at peace. In essence, Jesus Christ is our peace with God. 
Since this peaceful relationship is in place “we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand” (verse 2). There is so much meaning in this short statement. The idea is that once we trust in Jesus Christ we are presented by Him to His heavenly Father. The Father extends His grace, as though it were a royal scepter, inviting us to stand before Him, accepted and beloved. He does this because He sees us as cleansed from sin by Jesus Christ’s blood and clothed in Jesus Christ’s righteousness. 
It’s entirely the merit of Jesus Christ and what He’s done for us that gives us this privilege and assurance to stand before God unafraid and accepted. 
The only way to experience the peace of God in our hearts is to be at peace with God.
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