
In our last visit we reflected on the privilege and assurance of being justified through faith in Jesus Christ.  We have peace with God and a standing “grace relationship” with Him.  That, according to Romans 5, gives us reason to “rejoice in the hope of the glory of God.” 

Until this hope is fulfilled, we will experience suffering in our lives.  In spite of this we have reason to rejoice, “because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope” (v. 3).  Faith rejoices in the hope of our future glory.  Until that day, we go through a process of growing, described in the words: perseverance, character, and yes, suffering.  Because of our hope, we have good reason to rejoice in this process of growing. 

Paul introduces another reason for rejoicing in verses 4-5.  The hope that is being produced in the process of growing “does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.”  It is this double gift that keeps us from being disappointed: the love of God and the gift of the Holy Spirit. 

When you trust in Jesus Christ the Holy Spirit enters your life.  As He enters your life He begins to pour out God’s love into your heart, and keeps the flow ongoing to the point of overflowing.  You not only experience the blessing of God’s love in you, but your life overflows with God’s love for others. 

As a believer you are blessed to have the Holy Spirit present within and pouring God’s love into and through you from an infinite supply.

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