
On this program I encourage you to read and study the Bible regularly, to make this a part of your daily routine.  Why?  Because you won’t always be able to do this, even though  you need this spiritual food.  Regular reading and study will fill your mind’s reservoir with Biblical truth so you can draw from it as needed. 

That’s why I also encourage you to memorize portions of the Bible.  When I was a teenager, just starting to walk with the king, I began to memorize verses of the Bible.  The Navigator organization had about 100 verses in packets organized under practical topics.  This became a part of my spiritual database. 

I then added memorizing paragraphs, followed by short chapters and finally whole books of the Bible.  I still remember while on an all-night bus trip I prayed my way through the book of Ephesians without having to disturb others on the bus by having a light on while they were sleeping.  I often meditate on God’s Word if I wake up during the night by reviewing what I have memorized. 

It also is helpful to be able to draw from this reservoir when talking with someone about the Lord.  It’s good to share your thoughts and experiences, but it’s desirable to be able to add to this something from God’s Word, which He promises to bless (Isaiah 55:11). 

For someone who is discouraged they might be helped by these verses I recently memorized from Psalm 16:5-6: “Lord, you have assigned me my portion and my cup.  You have made my lot secure.  The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places.  Surely I have a delightful inheritance.”  Isn’t that encouraging?

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