
“Is the law sin?” (Romans 7:7). 

Paul raises another question about the law of God in Romans 7:7. He asks, “What shall we say, then? Is the law sin?” That question was raised no doubt because of the conclusion he stated in verse 5, “the sinful passions aroused by the law were at work in our bodies, so that we bore fruit for death.” 
Since the law stimulates sinful passions, is the law sin? Paul responds to his own question, “Certainly not!” Then he explains the purpose of the law. “I would not have known what sin was except through the law.” The law exposes sin for what it really is. 
The law sets before you a standard and holds you accountable. Paul was a religious man. He worked hard at living by the law, and thought he was doing ok. All of a sudden the command, “Do not covet,” grabbed him. The prohibition produced in him or reminded him of every kind of covetous desire. He began to realize that he coveted all kinds of things. 
He is not saying he was unaware of the law. He knew it intellectually. He obeyed it perfunctorily. But, all of a sudden the lights went on. The law was the switch that turned the lights on. 
As he is presenting this practical dynamic he remembers his life prior to this. Verse 9 says, “Once I was alive apart from law.” Put into a contemporary context, what he was admitting is, “I was a happy sinner.” He was oblivious to his own failure motivationally and behaviorally. 
By exposing him to his real self the law was doing a good thing. It couldn’t help him change, but it showed him his need for a change in his life. It prepared him for receiving life as a gift.
God doesn’t want you to be a happy sinner. By exposing our shortcomings the law points us to our need to depend upon God’s provision of grace. The law cannot save you nor grow you as a Christian, but it does expose you to the righteous standard that is consistent with God’s character.  
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