
In our last visits we considered what’s involved in walking with the king, our Lord, based on Psalm 5.  Prayer, first thing in the morning, is a good way to start each day.  It helps to refocus on our relationship with God and our dependence upon Him. 

Another important discipline would be to spend some time reading the Bible and meditating on it.  We saw this in Psalm 1.  We see it again in Psalm 12.  The psalmist begins Psalm 12 describing how few godly folk there are.  It’s a scary world where “everyone lies to his neighbor; their flattering lips speak with deception” (verse 2). 

Boasting about their self-determination and self-sufficiency, in which they take advantage of the weak, the Lord says, “I will now arise.  I will protect them (the weak) from those who malign them” (verse 5). 

How do we know as believers that God will do this, since it’s not always that apparent?  The psalmist declares that God promises to do it, “And the words of the Lord are flawless, like silver refined in a furnace of clay, purified seven times” (verse 6). 

Here is what I get from meditating on what the psalmist said:  I should live my life in obedience to God’s Word.  This way I will find out experientially that when tested through my obedience, God’s Word remains flawless – like silver refined in a furnace, purified seven times. 

So I should start the day with prayer and time to meditate on God’s Word if I want to know God better, appreciate Him more and rejoice in His goodness as I walk with Him, the king, my Lord.

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