
Today let’s do the final step in our Biographical study of Luke: crystalize what you’ve learned into some practical applications. 

The first application I came up with is, whatever you’ve prepared yourself to be and do, once you are committed to Jesus Christ, He can use you to touch, enrich, and join others in building His Church.  He doesn’t primarily look for inability or ability, but availability. 

Luke was a doctor, but he made himself available to help grow the church in Philippi and be a friend, confidant and partner to Paul in his mission to bring the lost in the world to Christ and incorporate them into the church universal.  Put another way, use whatever gifting you have to contribute to the mission of the Church. 

Often a byproduct of what you do will be your most significant contribution.

For Luke, doing the work of a doctor was beneficial, but doing the work of an historian produced his most significant, lasting contribution.  Luke’s two historical volumes have enlightened and enriched the lives of countless Christians for two millennia.

Every great leader needs a supporting cast to accomplish his or her mission.  Being a part of the supporting cast is as important as the roll of the leader.  Every leader should affirm this truth and every supporting player should be glad to participate.  Jesus Christ, our great leader modelled this perfectly.

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