
As Paul describes why he was willing to suffer for Christ in 2nd Timothy 2 he breaks into song. This was not uncommon for him as we saw in our study of 1st Timothy. 

“Here is a trustworthy saying,” he writes as he introduces the Hymn. He had found the truths in the Hymn to be trustworthy and he commends them to Timothy and to all who are true believers in Christ. Listen to this hymn recorded in verses 11-13: “If we died with him, we will also live with him; if we endure, we will also reign with him. If we disown him, he will also disown us; if we are faithless, he will remain faithful, for he cannot disown himself.” 


Paul’s primary goal in preaching the gospel was to reach the ones God had selected for salvation. He didn’t know who they were, but as he proclaimed the message he was confident the elect would believe and God would be glorified. He expresses his confidence in the words of this hymn of encouragement and praise. 


Identify with Christ in his death and resurrection. Live in the power of His resurrection. Your running the race will require endurance. But whatever the cost the reward of reigning with Christ is well worth it. Under pressure don’t throw in the towel – the loss for doing that is significant. Having warned them, Paul affirms that even when we fail, God won’t – He cannot disown or deny who He really is. 


This hymn of encouragement and praise is like a shot in the arm for running our next lap in the relay race of life. I believe it would be good to memorize it and refer to it in times of discouragement.

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