
We’ve been looking at how Jesus identifies Himself in the letters to the seven churches of Revelation 2 & 3. In Chapter 3:14 He is “the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the ruler of God’s creation.” “Amen” in the Greek means “firm” or “faithful” according to Thayer. He is the immutable one. As the faithful one His witness would be true and trustworthy. He speaks with the authority of the ruler of God’s creation. He should be respected, revered and responded to. Unfortunately the believers in Laodicea felt very self-sufficient and felt no need to respond to and depend on Christ. Christ indicated that He loved them in spite of their independence and indifference. This is followed with Christ standing at the door of this Church, knocking, and calling out, “I’m here. It’s me, Jesus.” He stands waiting for them to invite Him in. This verse is often used to encourage unbelievers to invite Jesus into their lives, but in the context of this letter this is an invitation for a Christian church to invite Him in. Christ wants to be at home in our hearts. There He works, enabling us to overcome in the face of opposition, because He Himself overcame. As victor He wants us to experience victory in our lives. Then our reward will be to sit with Him on His throne. What a day that will be. As you think over these various pictures of Jesus in Revelation 2 & 3 let me encourage you to respond to Him with reverence and humility, trusting Him to be at home in your life and working out His will and victory in and through you?

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