
In our last visit I suggested we look at the next section in our study of 1st Thessalonians to see how Paul coped with discouragement. Also, to see how feeling connected and accountable can help us during times of discouragement. Let me illustrate from Paul’s experience as described in 1st Thessalonians 2:17-3:13.  

Paul shared some of the things that contributed to his discouragement. He also shared some steps that helped cure his discouragement.   Read this section again and notice the things that contributed to his discouragement. 
Paul said in 2:17 that when he was torn away from them it was as though he had been orphaned. The words “torn away from you” have a connotation of being “orphaned.” This was a negative, unexpected and painful experience. He follows this up by describing his frustrated efforts of trying to get back to see them, “but Satan stopped us” (verse 18). Setbacks are discouraging. 
In chapter 3, verses 1 and 5 he talks about his impatience. Listen to his words: “When we could stand it no longer,” and “when I could stand it no longer.” The negative, painful circumstances were getting to him. He lacked information about how these new believers were doing according to 3:5. This led to his fear of failure. He admitted, “I was afraid that in some way the tempter might have tempted you and our efforts might have been useless.” 
Isn’t it interesting how one negative leads to another until the fear of failure grips us with discouragement? We don’t have to remain discouraged, however. In our next visit we’ll see how Paul broke free from it.
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