
As we continue our study of 1st Thessalonians the next section begins with verses17-20 of chapter 2 and continues through chapter 3.  

When I first reflected on this section of the book I thought it addressed the question of whether I am connected in the church and in an accountability relationship. Paul does talk about his relationship with the believers there and his sense that they needed him. As he shares his heart it’s clear he felt a need, although different from theirs, to have them in his life. 
The more I reflected on this portion I sensed Paul was going through a time of discouragement. Being connected and in an accountable relationship and being discouraged are related issues. Discouragement is something all of us face at one time or another, and some of us face more than we want to. If you are not connected with others you will find yourself more vulnerable to discouragement than if you are connected and have a sense of belonging.  Being accountable to someone else or a group helps you take the necessary steps to break out of discouragement and be freed from it. 
Read over this section again with these questions in mind:
-Are you allowing discouragement to get the best of you? 
-Are you aware of what might be contributing to it?
-Do you have relationships or friendships that provide support and accountability when experiencing discouragement? 
-Are you taking steps that will lead you out of discouragement and into freedom and fulfillment? 
Do a reality check.
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