
We’ve been amplifying point three in our outline on developing Christ-like communication skills based on Proverbs.  Another constructive quality is to be slow to speak, or hold your tongue. 

We are prone to speak before we think.  Proverbs 18:13 & 17 warns: “He who answers before listening – that is his folly and shame.  The first to present his case seems right, till another comes forth and questions him.”  So Proverbs 21:23 is right when it says, “He who guards his mouth and his tongue keeps himself from calamity.”  Put positively, “He who holds his tongue is wise” (10:19). 

In 11:12, “A man of understanding holds his tongue.”  Why is this so important?  11:13 points out, “A trustworthy man keeps a secret.”  “He who guards his lips guards his life” (13:3).  Words spoken can come back to bite you, and often hurt others. That’s why “The heart of the righteous weighs his answers” (15:28). 

Listen well, think through the issues, and consider the consequences before you speak, because “A man of knowledge uses words with restraint and a man of understanding is even tempered” (17:27).  Then, to make the point stronger Proverbs 17:28 says, “Even a fool is thought wise if he keeps silent, and discerning if he holds his tongue.” 

To develop Christ-like communication skills work on the constructive quality of being slow to speak.

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